The Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial Supports a New Adult Literacy Program at CanLearn Society
Posted on Nov 28, 2016
It is the wisdom widely accepted to survive and prosper in our world of rapid change, we all need to continuously work at improving our knowledge and learning new skills.
Expectations for what it means to be literate are rising. Literacy skills that were once expected of only post-secondary graduates are now needed in almost any work place.
Low literacy negatively impacts their family, work, health and overall well-being. The stakes have never been higher for those with low skills and especially those who, for one reason or the other, have never learned to read!
With this in mind, the CanLearn Society has a new adult literacy program Taking Charge. The program is uniquely designed to assist struggling adults improve their reading, develop their work and life skills and make positive in their lives by pursuing employment, training or further education.
Participants in the Taking Charge Program belong to diverse groups of people including younger adults who dropped out of school, middle-aged and older high-school graduates who can no longer keep up with the literacy demands of the job-market as well as adults with learning disabilities that were not identified and addressed in school.
For (too) many adults in our province, limited literacy is a monkey on the back, perhaps not as obvious and visible as a physical disability or a health problem, but just as debilitating in the way that it can limit work and life opportunities.
The Taking Charge Program allows participants to discover their own path to success through flexible options including small-group workshops and one-on-one instruction. It enables them to build the foundation to find and keep decent jobs, become self-sufficient, support their children’s education and participate actively in their communities.
If you are curious to learn more about the Taking Charge Program, please visit the CanLearn website: